Chapter 4 Susan

Susan Minter and the fifteen others from ECON 001 seminar meeting are lying on the floor of a storage room. The room was not large enough, of course, it is a storage room of the economy building, no one is supposed to stay here for hours. They cannot talk loudly, cannot turn the lights on, and cannot leave this room, because a criminal with a gun is likely to be roaming inside their campus. Friday, November 17, 2040, the next week will be Thanksgiving holiday, but black Friday has arrived earlier that expected.

"When do we get to go home?"

A boy muttered in a whisper, knowing that no one in this room could answer his question, even their professor was sitting on a stool with his eyes closed.

“We get to go home when that god damn murderer is caught. Anyway, who would think of someone are pointing guns to students these days.”

“That's why we have to use this crap room as an emergency room, no one has prepared for this.”

"The last school shooting before this time…… was how many years ago?"

“I guess It has been 20 years, the 2020s, can’t remember exact date."

"20 years? But how can a gun let them shoot innocent people back then? How can this kind of thing still happen in these days?”

“Lower your voice!” The professor says in a whisper, he is a tiny old man but his voice was lower than any of the students, which is also more recognizable, "Anyone in the hallway would hear you!”

The room was instantly quiet again.

Susan's stomach begin to groan again.

She has left the dorm early in the morning, gave up her breakfast to catch CALC 002 lecture at eight in the morning. Then she had missed her lunch because an extended office hour. Then she had to go to the ECON 001 seminar at two o'clock and ended at three, her original plan was to have dinner after this meeting.

At 3:00 p.m., a bastard ran into the physics building at the other end of campus, he entered a lecture hall filled with 200 students who was having an Astronomy class. He pointed his automated gun to the class, shoot all of the bullets out and then fled. There haven’t been any mass shooting cases ever since Fishion becomes a common thing. The college was not prepared for this to happen. As the security team arrives at the building, they have already lost four students and got one badly injured. All of them were having a lecture in the physics building. The school immediately activated its emergency plan and placed all students who remained on campus in the nearest shelters - small exhibition halls, audio-visual classrooms, storage rooms, and other enclosed spaces without windows.

At three o'clock, Susan’s seminar has just finished. She was thinking of going to a nearby Thai restaurant for some warm curry. She tossed her books and computer into her backpack, and froze while unzipped it - she had left Percy in her bag when she got home yesterday and forgotten to take it out, and the eyes on that little LED face were staring back at her.

She must have become nut after studying for her upcoming tests after Thanksgiving, she even forgot to organize her bag lately, that’s why she left her newly matched gun inside. But Percy was very cooperative, even if it couldn't be turned off, it hadn't made a bit of noise during Susan's class.

Susan decided to go home first to put the gun away, as she stepped out of the classroom, she was stopped by a group of security guard and was led to an evacuation room - which is the storage room. At first people were immersed in fear. After an hour someone starts to pulled out their homework. As time goes by, more and more people collapsed to the ground and drifting into sleepiness. There was also joking talk about whether they would stay in this storage room forever if this shooter keeps hiding.

Susan tries to recall her friends’ name. She was worried if someone was in the physics building when the shooting happens. The Wifi signal doesn’t reach this tiny room in the corner, she can neither recall their phone numbers. Her parents called her earlier to make sure she’s in a safe place. Susan also wish other student’s parents could contact with them.

Thank God, it was almost 12:00 when she receive a message - the alarm was finally lifted.

Lights are turned on in a sudden. The room was filled with groan and stretching sound. Students starts to pack everything they take our in the room.

"Be safe, your family and friends should already be waiting for you in the east parking lot.”

Susan walked out of the storage room side by side with the two girls as their cell phones receive a long-awaited mobile signal.

“What on earth is going on?”

"The body of that shooter was found, he suicided with the last bullet out of the campus."

“Suicide? Isn’t that his gun decided to kill him after killing a lot of people.”

“Who knows, it is a gun that kills people.”

Susan walked quickly to pass these girls, she leaves the building straight away and walks to the north parking lot, where Richard always pick her up during the weekend.

"Hey Susan," Percy called out her name as there was no one else around, "are you okay?"

"I'm okay, I'm alive at least." Susan sighed as her phone email beeped with a ding-dong sound, and she clicked on the new email tag, the list of victims pops up, following with an arrangement of condolence event. She looked through it twice, not finding any names she was familiar with, and was relieved by it for a second. This tiny relief soon disappeared as she thought about the families of those students, and the students in the same classroom. Even if they hadn't been physically harmed, they will need something more than a long-term psychological intervention to help...... As she continues to skim through the emails about the reinforcement emergency practicing event, her screen shuts off in a sudden.

“Damn it.”

"What is the ‘damn it’ about? Let me see."

Susan looked around to make sure there was no one there and took Percy out of her bag, so they could hear more clearly what the other was saying.

"The phone is dead, and I was just looking at the list of victims."

"Is there anyone you know?"


"That's okay, you can talk to me if you're in a bad mood, there's a lot of stuff and features in my system that you don't know about."

"Like what?"

The two of them chats around random topics, light from a street lamp cast a long shadow on the ground. The north parking lot was not the closest one to the economy building, but it was in the same direction as Susan's home.

Meanwhile, the students who had just left the building were gripped by greater horror. The CUP Debug team had just discovered the shooter did not committed suicide, and that the gun-toting body on campus was just a scapegoat. The shooter was still at running, and with even more frightening concerns - that person may own more than one gun.

Because students were evacuated in the direction of the east parking lot, most of them were immediately called back to the building by an emergency message. But Susan Minter, with a dead cell phone, was unlucky enough. She was aware of neither what is happening nor the impending danger.

Susan’s almost at the door of the north parking lot. She can see that Richard is standing next to the white sedan and waving at her. She stops there and thinking about putting Percy away,  but nothing seemed to fit except for her book bag and the inside of her jacket, and as she thought about it, a person hit her hard from behind.

"Watch out!"

Susan thought it was a student rushing to the parking lot, but she immediately froze when she turned her back - it was a man, with a mask covering his face and a wide hoodie blocking the whole body, it was impossible to tell who that he is, but she’s sure that person has a gun pointing at her.

"Don't move, if you take another step, I'll kill you."

Susan is too nervous to move, and the next second she realized that Percy was still in her own hands.

"Is that your father standing over there? Walk over and tell him to hand over the car and I won't hurt you."

"Don't trust him," came Percy's voice, Susan had associated it with the bone conduction headset yesterday to play music, a feature neither of them had expected to be helpful in such an emergency. "I can't scan the info on the gun he's holding, it's an old gun that's not logged into Fishion! This man's mask also has signal interference, but he's dangerous, don't trust what he said.”

What am I supposed to do then! Susan shouted in her mind, she had just been matched with Percy and hadn't even been able to go to the range for a second time to practice.

"Why do you keep your hand in your zipper, take it out.”

Cold sweat was running down Susan's hair, she was still hoping that the CUP Debug team would quickly investigate the area, but she also knew that the north parking lot was some distance away from the main campus. They wouldn't be the first to search the area. In that time, she could be killed, or worse yet, her unsuspecting father could be killed after her.

"I can't scan this person, but I'm sure the system is out of whack with me.”

“Which means I can shoot.”

All in a sudden, Susan remembers her conversation with her father about whether something was wrong with Fishion or the CUP.

Susan remembered that Percy said it hadn't been shut down for three years.

Now she have a clear answer in her mind.

She didn't want to die here.

Susan Minter pulled her gun.


第四章 苏珊











她一早离开家,为了赶早晨八点的微积分002没有吃早餐,中午饭又因为去office hour而错过了,两点钟经济学讨论会开始,三点钟结束,她本来的计划是三点钟去吃饭。










































