Chapter 3 Percy

Because the increasing number of robbery cases, Susan Minter's mother, Catherine, also asked her to match with a gun. Susan puzzled and resisted with her suggestion, but her father, Richard, insists that "a gun will keep you safe in times of crisis". As the daughter of a CUP technician and former police officer, Susan is in a delicate position of neutrality in her family, and her father, Richard, would always miss the time when he had a stable and respectable job as a police officer, and whenever this happened, Catherine would speak out against it:

"What's gone is gone, and it's impossible to bring back something that has become obsolete."

And Richard will not be nestled in her criticism: "The police are not an obsolete thing, and one day you will realize how wrong it is to replace them with electronic systems.”

But today is different, today they abandoned their conflict and shook hands on the topic of their daughter’s gun matching plan. Knowing that it would not end well if she decides to go against both of her parents, Susan went to the nearest CUP gun control facility over the weekend, accompanied by Richard, to get herself matched with a gun. But in the end, the right to use the gun after receiving it is entirely in her hands, even if she chooses never to use it, that is her own business, Katherine and Richard have no control to that.

She sits almost bored on the store’s old leather sofa, the noon sun shines in from outside, Richard is catching up with his old friend George, Susan is also somehow familiar with him. George would invite them to his home for dinner sometimes. He and Richard used to work in the same police station, and Jason is currently working as a clerk in the gun-matching department of CUP gun control facility. He is responsible for confirming that visitors have the qualifications to use guns, and introducing them to guns that might be suitable and leading them to a match.

"I heard there have been some armed robberies recently, and it's actually Susan's school?"

"Yes, four students have been robbed near the campus.”

"Bunch of soft-core eaters, if it was in the days of the police, they would have been shaking before getting out of home!”

"Yes, so it is necessary to deter them. Nowadays, students rarely have guns at home, and some of them don’t even know how to shoot. There is have no way for them to react in case of emergency. Although Catherine and I have often quarreled in the past, we must admit that she did the right thing this time.”

"Right." George nodded "People are armed to keep themselves safe, come on, Susan, try out these guns."

But how could I react when the shooting happened? Even if I had a gun, I wouldn't necessarily have time to draw, load, and aim it. Susan thought, but she didn't say any word. She smiled politely and walked over to the front of the counter, where three handguns were lined up on top, Smith & Wesson 642 Airweight Pink, Ruger LC9s, and Glock 26s. All three guns had been replaced with pink grips, and with their flashing LED displays, they looked more like antique pet game consoles than weapons.

George noticed Susan's furrowed brow.

“Is there anything wrong? Some students from your school were matched with these guns several days ago. I think these guns are also perfect for you, Susan.”

"Uh ...... I don't really like pink."

George's face flashed with a distinct look of displeasure, "But you can try to see if you can unlock the safety, you need to make sure you're qualified to use it first."

"Oh, right." Susan flipped to the gun matching guide, where page five spelled out the detailed actions - even if a person passed the gun use regulations, if they couldn't unlock the safety, then they would still be ineligible to use it. So Susan had to pick up the console-like Ruger LC9s, which was the least pinkish of the three guns. The gun also had a manual safety lock, which she pushed open with a gentle nudge.

"Congratulations, Susan Minter, you've just been recognized as qualified gun holder by the system, so happy for you."

The display of the Ruger LC9s lit up and began to play the system video and voice, Susan had no idea the gun would talk to itself and was so scared she almost threw it to the floor.

"I don't really like these guns, can you help me change them." Susan hurriedly closed the safety and put the gun back.

"I think you should probably try matching them to see, you haven't tried it yet, maybe you'll get a good fit. How can you know if you refuse before even trying?”

“No, no, no, I don't think I will, I mean, I don't like the look of them so I don't want to try. Uncle George, can you get me two of the plainer ones, without any patterns, maybe just the black ones."

George walked back to the warehouse with the three guns in boxes.

"Ugh, you should be a little more careful about what you say to Uncle George and your tone of voice," Richard sighed, "Knowing that we are people who were denied by the system, we don't even get to choose.”

"Oh, I'm sorry." Susan shook her head, "I didn't mean to, but I have to match with my own gun, and this one will probably be with me for a long time. But Uncle George, he seems to treat me like a child, the guns he brought in all look like toys, but isn't this supposed to be serious.”

"He probably does treat you like a kid, you haven't been to his house for dinner with me in four or five years."

"Yeah ...... I got busy after I started high school, and so did his son Andy, I don't even know how he's doing, maybe I should still care more about everyone."

Susan stopps talking about this awkward topic, something else comes up to her mind, and she speaks up to ask Richard, "You just said Mom did the right thing, but Mom herself is supposed to be anti-gun." She keeps rubbing the corner of the manual book until the corner curls upward.

Richard seems to be the one who doesn’t expect his daughter's question to be so pointed: "Susan, I argue with your mother sometimes, but that doesn't mean I think she's doing everything wrong.”

"You're just defending your pride? I know.” Susan's mouth dropps, "But this time you didn't even argue with her."

"Yes, because I can agree with her on this matter, this one in particular. Susan, remember where your mother works."

"CUP, and then what? Did something go wrong with Fishion?”

Richard blinks noncommittally as he gestures for Susan to be quiet. Looking back, Jason is approaching them with two new guns.

"Try these two," George says, "the Glock 19 and the Sig Sauer P226, the guns we used back in the day."

Susan nods, and she takes the two guns, which are able to fill her palms and weigh not like toys, just like what real weapons should be, and what Susan imagined a "gun" should look like.

"I want to try to match with them.”

George breaths a sigh of relief as he lead Susan to a separate room: "This room is the room for matching, you can flip their switch and chat with them, everything is the same as in the manual. When the screen shows green when you do the shooting pose, it means you are successfully matched."

"What if it doesn't work?”

"Either you keep trying with a different gun, or you come back another day. You know, this matching thing is very karmic, and sometimes there will be people who stay here all day and can't find the right gun."

Susan nods again as she watches George leaves the matching room and closes the door behind him. The matching room is not too big, but the walls painted white make the whole space look wider than it actually is. In the center of the room there is a large, streamlined table with a very aesthetically pleasing design. A circle of couches circle around the table - even though there is only one person in each matching event, they still put a circle of couches in the room. After experienced the uncomprehending of George, the weird room and the extra furniture, for all a sudden, Susan felt a pang of annoyance. She just wanted to muddle through the day quickly and come back another day, or just change the place if she couldn't get the gun here. She chose the Glock 19 first and flipped its system switch, but there was no welcoming voice playing.

Was it a broken gun? What a bad day.

Susan holds the gun's screen a little closer, and she sees that the system isn't out of order,  the gun had been forgotten to be shut down last time, and there is a cute smiley face on the screen right now.

"Uh, hello." Susan smiled awkwardly.

"Oh! Hello, don't worry about anything, they always forget to turn off my ...... In fact I've had it on that way for over three years.”

"Three years? Don't you run out of power."

"Solar power." The smiley face on the small screen bobbed up and down, like a nod.

"You're funny, are all guns like you?"

"I can't guarantee that, after all, most of the time all the guns are turned off so I don’t have many chances to talk with them."

"Okay, I'm Susan, Susan Minter. It may be a little strange, but do guns like you have names?”

The Glock 19 is just about to open its mouth and say yes my name is Glock 19, but it paused for a moment, it figured the girl wanted to ask not for its production model or serial number, but a name like the humans, an equal code name, a status symbol. It is pretty sure its own kinds don’t have such a codename, didn't even have the idea of giving themselves a different name. This is certainly a good opportunity to match with a human, to leave this hellhole and give itself new possibilities. But its inventory of names was pitifully small, and the only human who didn't make it so annoying was named ......

"Percy, you can call me Percy."


第三章 珀西











但是枪击发生的时候我怎么反应得过来?就算我带了枪也不一定能来得及拔枪,苏珊心想,但她没有说出来。她礼节性地笑了笑,走到了柜台前面,柜台上面排开了三把手枪,Smith & Wesson 642 Airweight Pink,Ruger LC9s,Glock 26。三把枪都被换上了粉色的握柄,加上闪烁的LED显示屏,看起来更像是古董宠物游戏机而不像是武器。





“哦,对。”苏珊翻开枪支匹配指南,其中的第五页写着详细的动作——就算一个人通过了枪支使用条例的考试,但如果他不能解开保险,那么他依然会被判定为无资格使用。于是苏珊只好拿起那把像游戏机的Ruger LC9s,它是三把枪里最不粉嫩的一把。这把枪还有手动保险锁,她轻轻一推就推开了。


Ruger LC9s的显示屏亮了起来,开始播放系统视频和语音,苏珊不知道枪会自顾自说起话来,吓得差点把它扔到地上。















“试试这两把,”乔治说,“Glock 19和Sig Sauer P226,我们当年用过的枪。”






苏珊又点了点头,她目送乔治离开匹配室并带上了门。匹配室并不太大,但是漆成白色的墙让整个空间看起来比实际要宽阔。房间的中央摆着一张流线型的大桌子,很有设计的美感。桌子旁边围着一圈沙发——虽然每次匹配都只有一人参加,但依然有一圈沙发。不解人意的乔治、封闭的房间和多余的家具都她感到一阵烦躁,只想赶快把今天糊弄过去,拿不到枪的话就改天再来或直接换个地方。她先选了那把Glock 19,打开它的系统开关,但没有任何欢迎语音播放。










Glock 19刚想要张嘴说对的我叫Glock 19,但它停顿了一下,它想这个女孩想问的并不是它的生产型号或批号,而是和人类一样的名字,一个平等的代号,一个身份的象征。它很确定自己的同胞们没有这样的代号,甚至连给自己取个不一样的名字的想法都没有。这无疑是个良机,和人类匹配,离开这个鬼地方,给自己新的可能性。但是它的姓名库存少得可怜,唯一那个不让它那么讨厌的人类名叫……
