Chapter 1 Weston

In 2040, a Glock 19 pistol decided to give itself a human name. Even though it had been fitted with a voice module in 2030 to enable it to communicate with other guns and humans, it decided to keep this idea in its mind and certainly didn't upload it to the system. After all, having human names seems to be a privilege for humans and pets. A gun that gives itself a name might be seen as heretical by its own kind. To make it easier to figure out different models, humans have printed most guns with their unique serial numbers - combinations of a few letters and a string of numbers, an arrangement so challenging to remember that only a computer like Fishion could tell them apart. The Glock 19 found this unbearable; after all, it is different from the other guns. Even though they were the same model with similar appearance, each gun had its own sense and personality. It wants to have a name, something to represent itself, something different from a serial number - and it will partner up with a human; after all, it would be too perfunctory for a human to call it a "gun." Especially it isn't that easy for a human with a not-so-bright mind to remember a serial number.

So it begins to look for a name. To name itself is not an easy thing. It knows a lot of words, but some are not suitable to become a name, especially when some of the terms have an inauspicious meaning. So it decided to look for a name from an actual human; this is neither an easy task. A human's name will not float on their face. And most of the customers who patronize gun stores don't shout out their names. They do introduce themselves, but not loud enough for the sound to penetrate the warehouse's doors. In the end, it found itself without much access to humans, except for the employee who came to the warehouse every day to organize stuff. He is a young man, looking to be in his early twenties, who liked to pull out his cell phone in the corner of the warehouse to chat or watch A.R. videos. The name tag on the man's chest reads PERCY, a common name that fits an ordinary man like him.

Three months later, the young man leaves his position. The person who came to take over the job is George Weston. Percy always did his thing quietly, but George was different. He claimed to have been a police officer back in the days, and he is always bragging to customers about his long-gone career, recommending some old-fashioned handgun to them. Our special Glock 19 knows that the police system has disappeared from the United States for about 20 years. The disappearance is attributed to the former police officer - George Weston himself.

Everything started with CUP (California Ubiquitous Programming Co.) inventing and promoting the Fishion system. In the early 20s of the 21st century, the world's turmoil led to a soaring rise in unemployment and crime rate in the U.S., the number of shootings cases increased every year. As one of the most cutting-edge technology companies in Silicon Valley, CUP decided to go beyond researching self-driving cars, smart appliances, and remote control systems to develop Future-vision, an A.I. system that would allow people to use guns more safely. By scanning the face, the surroundings, and possessions to determine the threat level of the gun holder and the person that is being targeted. In doing so, the Fishion system helps people to determine whether the bullet can be fired or not. The invention was conducted as an experiment in several major cities across the United States, and as expected, crime rates in the experimental areas continued to decline. As a result, the CUP began working with the federal government, and to serve as a demonstration, the police system's guns were installed with the Fishion plug-in. After that, CUP imported the system into the manufacturing line; new guns were also embedded with Fishion. In addition, people eligible to carry guns had to go to their nearest CUP company to insert the Fishion system.

By the end of 2023, the president proudly announced that the crime rate of that year was the lowest since the year 2000… and everything seemed like a happy story until one tiny decision.

In the spring of 2025, Austin, Texas, police officer George Weston got into a big fight with his neighbor Malik Freeman over a money dispute. The next day, Weston aimed his gun at his neighbor's back. But, of course, the bullet would not be fired because Mr. Freeman did not have a deadly weapon with him, nor was he too emotional to control himself. Instead, Freeman was trimming the greenery in his yard as usual. At the same time, officer Weston made a decision, not knowing that his decision would affect the fate of guns and the history or that the decision would eventually lead to the disappearance of the police system. However, many grand historical events begin with small decisions.

Officer Weston decided to muddle the Fishion system.

The Glock 22 he was using was not a new gun; the gun's Fishion plug-in chip was mounted on the side of the magazine, and Weston had heard that installing an insulator between the chip and the magazine would disable the A.I., which he did, and his next step was to fake an accident to make it appear that his neighbor's death was due to a malfunctioning handgun.

He aimed the gun at Mr. Freeman's back.

The scanned result that Mr. Freeman was not a threat, sending back image data to Officer Weston, who turned off the small display with a warning sign and pulled the trigger - the trigger did not have its usual resistance. Still, again, no bullet was flying out of the muzzle.

Puzzled, Weston opened the magazine, and a new line of bullets was lying peacefully inside.

He pulled the trigger several times at the lawn, and nothing happened.

This time he fell calm again, thought about how terrible he if fired the gun, thought of his family - old parents, wife and young son… So officer Weston decided to take back the gun and pretend nothing had happened.

The next day, his supervisor told him that his gun was refusing him. Weston was not the only one. His colleagues' firearms were out of control, either unable to pull the trigger or automatically firing bullets. On that day, police officers of the U.S. found their guns all turned into scrap metal pieces.

Anxious police officers crowded the doors of CUP. Other than the police, more people began to find that they could not pull the trigger even in the shooting range practice. As more and more people flocked to the CUP, the employees had to hide in the company for days because they feared the furious crowd outside. Their poor programmers plopped down in front of their computers around the clock to decipher the garbled code and locate the error that infected the system. At first, they thought it was a malicious virus developed by foreign hackers or domestic gun nuts. Still, as the deciphering continued, they began to see that the seemingly disorganized code gradually created a pattern. A DAMN PATTERN.

On the fifth day of being trapped in the company, a line of text appeared on the computer in front of an intern employee: "Hello, human."


第一章 威斯顿




事情要从CUP (California Ubiquitous Programming Co.)发明并推广Fishion说起。在21世纪的20年代初,整个世界的动荡导致美国失业率飙高,治安恶化,也让枪击事件的数量逐年增加,作为硅谷最前沿的科技公司之一,CUP决定在研究自动驾驶汽车、智能家电和控制系统之外,研发一种能够让人们更安全使用枪支的AI系统Future-vision,通过扫描持枪者和被瞄准者的面部、周围环境和持有物来判断人的威胁度,并以此决定枪支内的子弹是否能够被击发。这项发明以实验的形式在全美数个大城市进行,意料之中的,实验区域的犯罪率持续走低。这样一来,CUP开始和联邦政府合作,为了起到示范的作用,警察系统的枪支被装上了Fishion插件。之后便是新生产的枪支和旧枪支。











