You Can(not) Delete

You Can(not) Delete landed in the near future, when the size of our working space and the capability of our devices will keep expanding. People will be able to immerse themselves in VR desktops. At the same time, as we are dealing with a tremendous amount and variety of files, cache data will become a heavy burden for our devices. Diving into the VR sketch, we will try to delete some of the “garbage” on our desktop.

Research and Ideation

Starting from the research of dilemmas sanitation worker are facing to, I gradually moved my focal point onto thinking: “What will be cleaners looks like in the future?” and “Are they going to be working in a virtual environment?” Therefore I expand the research into posibilities of cleaning in AR/VR spaces, also started my primary research of PC desktops.

Final Video

Data and backups that are transparent to us will remain in our working space for an extensive period of time. Therefore we keep receiving pop-up ads and spam mails even after clicking the “not interested” button thousands of times. As files piling up in VR space gives us spatial pressure, and as the developers unintentionally (or intentionally) ignore the security measures to protect our information, cleaning up files will be necessary. But can we manually clean up the “garbage” on our own? Has our data been monitored already? What can we do as a fragmented part inside the institution? …

Software used: Mental Canvas, Adobe Photoshop, Videoleap, Procreate
BGM: Windows Error Song by J Ritch Productions